Play Clue Weeks

Gods of Luxor Slots

Ladies Slots is hosting 5 Weeks of CLUE games for all online casino players. The games will run each week consecutively, beginning today, Tuesday, and ending every Monday - December 22 through January 25. The first 5 players to email us with the correct answer during each CLUE week will receive 10 dollars in USD currency.

The Rules: We will provide the Clue, and all you have to do is read Ladies Slots website to find the answer. Once you found it, email us at Ladies Slots Editor. Winners will receive their rewards via PayPal, and will be announced on Ladies Slots.

CLUE Week #1 - December 22 through December 28

Here's the Clue: Find the slot game featuring different kinds of food products! If you know the answer, email us at Ladies Slots Editor This contest will run from December 22 through December 31.

CLUE Week #2 - December 29 through January 4

Here's the Clue: Find the slot game where you can receive a relaxing massage, aromatherapy, and attain inner peace. If you know the answer, email us at Ladies Slots Editor. This contest will run from December 29 through January 4.

CLUE Week #3 - January 5 through January 11

Here's the Clue: What casino website opens up with a round of shots? If you know the answer, email us at Ladies Slots Editor. This contest will run from January 5 though January 12.

CLUE Week #4 - January 12 through January 18

Here's the Clue: What slot game represents the entertainment capital of the world? Know the answer? If so, email us at Ladies Slots Editor. This contest will run from January 12 through January 18.

CLUE Week #5 - January 19 through January 25

Here's the Clue: What famous basketball player as a slot named after him? Do you know the answer? Write to us at Ladies Slots Editor. This contest will run from January 19 through January 25.