New Mexico Tribes Seek Online Gambling Ban

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As individual states begin to allow Online Gambling, and those who have a stake in land based casino industries have an eye on developments, with efforts being made to incorporate online and land based interests, for instance, Nevada and New Jersey, New Mexico is building obstacles towards any sort of online gambling in the state.

In the latest development, New Mexico had shown that the state authorities together with Navajo Tribes in the area are looking to create a new Tribal Contract that is designed to discourage any pro-online gambling laws. In the terms of the deal under negotiation, the wish to ban online gambling in New Mexico, including online poker. If the state at a later stage permits the Nevajo casinos will no longer share their revenues with the state. The contract has also stated that if online gambling was introduced and became a reality in New Mexico, then the tribe will go into a 'good faith' negotiations with the authorities in order to develop new contracts for revenue sharing, and this will be based on the local gambling industry impact that online gambling will have on the industry.

The Governor's office has issued a statement that says that the terms were intended towards the discouragement, of adopting online gaming, in the New Mexico State, at the same time ensuring that should online gambling be adopted, revenue sharing would also continue, and it will take into account of any detriment or new benefit for the Navajo.

The contract was endorsed by a joint Committee on Compacts, and was then sent to the law-makers for approval. But, it never made it to the floor of the last session. At the next meeting of legislators the contract will be resubmitted.

In justification of the stance by the state on the matter of internet gambling, Susana Martinez, Enrique Knell, spokespersons for the Governor has said that although online gaming industry is uncertain, the state position is that land based casinos namely the tribal facilities, would be able to provide more jobs and therefore better serve the interests of development in the New Mexico economy. It was also thought reasonable to believe that the financial and social problems that are related to gambling would increase if internet gaming is allowed.