Massachusetts Lawmakers Want To Ban Internet Gambling, But!

Sweet 16 Slots

Talk about contradictions! There is a Massachusetts bill up for a vote banning internet gambling yet includes licensing two land-based casinos at the cost of $100 million each! But here's the kicker - the bill also allows for new slot machine licenses at a cost of $15 million and has this caveat attached regarding online gambling: "Any person who knowingly transmits or receives a wager of any type by any telecommunication device, including telephone, cellular phone, internet, [or] local area network ... or knowingly installs or maintains said device or equipment for the transmission or receipt of wagering information shall be punished." The punishment would be up to two years in prison and a fine of $25,000. While we know that internet gambling can bring much needed revenue to states, Massachusetts will have quite a fight on their hands since there is opposition to the bill.

Conversely, New Hampshire Governor Lynch is taking the opposite approach. He is proposing the legalization of online gambling instead of building additional land-based casinos. His reasoning is that of many who understand that online gambling can increase revenue on a larger scale and quicker as well.