Bank Wire Casinos

Diamond Dozen Slots

Thank heavens, there are a lot of very convenient, user friendly and economic banking methods available today for the savvy (and not so savvy) online casino player. At first glance, they seem daunting and just a little too far removed from the safety of your trusty credit card or old fashioned bank account. For those looking to stick close to home, the bank wire transfer might be just the approach you're looking for. People have been bank wiring money since banks were first invented, so it certainly has the force of history behind it. You can wire money to any individual or organization anywhere in the world with the ease of going to the bank, picking up the phone or, today, going online. Generally, just about all online casinos accept wire transfers from your bank directly into your casino account without charging any fees for the transaction. You might, of course, be charged from your bank's side, but casinos themselves generally honor the transaction free of charge.

Wire Transfers to Your Online Casino Account - Pros and Cons

Every form of banking methods has its share of pros and cons, it's just a question of figuring out which one is best for your needs. The beauty of the bank wire transfer is that is possibly one of the easiest methods out there. You can access your bank account a number of ways; in person at the bank, by phone and online. Each of these avenues lets you easily transfer money to the destination of your choice, in this case your online casino account. This means you don't have to sign up to any new programs or companies, like third party accounts or cards. Although it can take up to 5 days for your money to actually be transferred, it is also one of the safest and most secure methods of moving money from one place to another, making it the banking method of choice for techno-phobic individuals.

Casinos Who Accept Bank Wires

As noted above, the majority of online casinos today will accept, perhaps even encourage, bank wires as a way of funding your casino account. A perfect example of an excellent, USA friendly online casino who accepts bank wires is Bovada Casino. A veteran of the online casino industry, Bovada Casino has never let its senior status slow down its development or self-improvement. Time and again, Bovada Casino offers up some of the best promotions online today. Not to mention their cutting edge games are powered by RTG and Betsoft software, which has been leading the pack for years. Funding your Bovada Casino account with a bank wire transfer could literally be one of the world's greatest pleasures. Give it a shot, today.