GamCare is an organization that aims to encourage responsible gaming, and focuses on promoting awareness about the social impact of gambling. Perhaps most importantly, GamCare strives to help meet the needs of those who are negatively affected by a gambling dependency; this provides compassionate and useful resources to those that may not have know where else to turn.
As a registered charity, GamCare remains non-judgmental on the issue of gambling and promotes the idea that while everyone is free to make his or her own choices about gambling, it is wise to do so responsibly and legally. GamCare also encourages responsible operation of the gambling industry.
GamCare is About the Individual
GamCare provides free services to anyone who has been adversely affected by gambling. Hotlines that can be accessed both online and by telephone are available, and counseling is offered face-to-face and online. GamCare's face-to-face counseling services are available in many places throughout the U.K., and new locations are opening all of the time; if you find that face-to-face counseling is unavailable in your area, feel free to use the online service.A gambling dependency doesn't cause problems just for the addicted, but also for those closest to them. Family members who need help dealing with the issues that may come up because of a gambling addiction are always encouraged to make use of GamCare's services. GamCare can help those who live with or care about a gambling addict cope with the implications of the problem.
GamCare Recognizes Good Gaming Practices
In an effort to promote responsible practices by the gambling industry, GamCare has begun training and recognizing the best in the in that area. Through a social responsibility training program, GamCare helps employees in the gambling industry understand the challenges of a compulsive gambler faces, and educates them as to their expected role in the situation. GamCare encourages gambling industry employees to respond appropriately if a customer asks for help or admits to a problem. This program is operated by GamCare Trade Services.
GamCare also provides easy to access information about some of the more important licensing requirements gambling industry. For example, one rule that GamCare provides information states that those in the gambling industry must protect vulnerable people and children from exploitive gaming practices.
Confidentiality is Important to GamCare
GamCare understands that most people would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable at having the gambling problem that plagues their family becoming common knowledge, so strict confidentiality is a must; clients at GamCare never need to worry about feeling exposed.
GamCare Can Help!
Remember that anyone who is dealing with any aspect of a gambling compulsion can contact GamCare for assistance, and that all services provided remain free and confidential. Those in the gambling industry wishing to comply with socially responsible gaming practices can contact GamCare Trade Services, a company totally owned by the charity; any profits earned by the company go toward GamCare's support services. Visit the GamCare website to learn more or to obtain contact information.